What do the ACMI Seals mean? |
Look for the ACMI Seals so you will know the product has been evaluated by a qualified toxicologist for both acute and chronic hazards. Follow all safe use instructions. Children in grade six and lower and adults who may not be able to read and understand safety labeling should use only non-toxic materials. Purchase only products with the ACMI AP Non-Toxic Seal for young children, the physically or mentally handicapped, and any persons who cannot read or understand the safety labeling on product packages. Be sure to read the label on all products you use so you will know they have been evaluated and are non-toxic or need special handling to avoid possible health hazards from misuse. Observe good work habits and teach them to others.

The AP (Approved Product) Seal identifies art materials that are safe and that are certified in a toxicological evaluation by a medical expert to contain no materials in sufficient quantities to be toxic or injurious to humans, including children, or to cause acute or chronic health problems. Such products are certified by ACMI to be labeled in accordance with the chronic hazard labeling standard, ASTM D 4236, and the U. S. Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA).

The CL (Cautionary Labeling) Seal identifies products that are certified to be properly labeled in a program of toxicological evaluation by a medical expert for any known health risks and with information on the safe and proper use of these materials. This Seal appears on only a small percentage of adult art materials in ACMI’s certification program and on none of the children’s materials. These products are also certified by ACMI to be labeled in accordance with the chronic hazard labeling standard, ASTM D 4236, and the U. S. Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA). Products with this seal are not hazardous if used correctly. It is important to read the product label in full before opening a product that has the CL Seal. These products should never be given to children in grade 6 or lower or anyone with a physical or mental handicap who is unable to read and understand safety labeling on packages.
"CL" Product Labels Must Include: |
A conformance statement to ASTM D 4236, unless impractical and, if so, then on the point of sale (This requirement also applies to non-toxic products.)
A signal word, such as Warning or Caution
A listing of the ingredients in the product that are at a hazardous level
A description of harmful effects if the product is not used properly (May cause lung cancer, may cause harm to the developing fetus, etc.
Instructions on how to use the product properly and safely (Do not eat, drink, or smoke; use a respirator; wear gloves; etc.)
An appropriate telephone number; usually be the telephone number of the manufacturer or importer
A statement that the product is inappropriate for use by children.
Procedures to Follow with CL Products: |
Keep products out of reach of children.
Keep your work area clean.
Vacuum or wet mop dust; don’ t sweep it.
Keep your work area well ventilated; make sure you have a system that takes out old air AND brings in new air which is active continuously with use of CL products.
Avoid eating, drinking or any activity that resulting in exposure from hand to mouth transfer of materials.
Avoid skin contact and eating these materials. Keep materials out of your eyes and mouth.
Use any and all protective equipment specified on the label, such as gloves, safety glasses, and masks.
Use a mask or gloves that are impermeable to whatever product you are using; the wrong type of equipment could do as much or more harm than using no equipment at all!
Protect any cuts or open wounds by using the appropriate gloves, etc.
Mix and handle certain dry materials in a self contained, locally-exhausting hood or sealed box.
Spray apply certain materials only in a self contained, locally-exhausting spray booth with filters.
Do not mix different food-safe glazes together because the balance of ingredients in the mixed glaze will be disrupted and the resulting mixture may not be dinnerware safe.
Carefully follow suggested disposal methods.
Procedures to Follow when a Product has a Flammability Warning: |
Use explosion-proof switches and an exhaust fan with an explosion-proof motor, if specified on the label. Do not store or use product near heat, sparks or flame.
Do not heat above the temperature specified on the label.
Caution: flammable materials can be ignited by static electricity